Special handling shipments
Each aircraft type has a Special Load Location Table which shows where these items can be loaded. This should be considered at time of booking and flight planning and based on the shipment information you provide to us.
Dangerous Goods
The carriage of Dangerous Goods to, from or via New Zealand or in any New Zealand registered aircraft, regardless of its location, is governed by the Civil Aviation Rule Part 92.
Some of the basics required to send dangerous goods with us can be seen here. All requirements are applied as per the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
Dangerous goods requirements
Live Human Organs & Urgent Medical
In the event of the requirement to transport urgently required supplies for the use in transplantation, transfusion or lifesaving procedures there is a need to closely monitored all stages of the acceptance, handling, transporting and delivery processes.
Communications must be made with all stations (including any transit stations) and applicable departments to ensure the shipment travels as planned.
The shipper/agent is required to ensure that the product is packed, labelled, documented and presented in the correct manner to maintain the correct temperature range.
Urgency can only be demonstrated if shipments are pre-booked. It is important that the airline can understand the nature and urgency from the shipper in order to ensure clear communication out to all departments who need to be involved in the transaction. This includes accurate documentation to support an expedited journey from start to finish.
Fresh & Perishable
The airline has some specific process to be followed for many perishable commodities but as a minimum requirement the acceptance, packing and handling of perishables for transportation by air shall be in accordance with principles and provisions of the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR).
Should a shipment require special handling this information is to be supplied and inserted into the 'Handling Information' box of the Air Waybill.
Under no circumstances are Air Waybills to be completed with specific temperature requirements such as 'Keep at 5 C at all times' or 'keep chilled at all times' are not acceptable.

Packaging must be of a standard that will help maintain the condition of the contents and minimise the effects of transportation (time and environment changes). All packaging must provide adequate protection of its contents and prevent contamination of other load or spillage or leakage during normal handling for the entire period of transportation.
Many perishable commodities require both inner and outer packaging to provide adequate protection for the product and to prevent leakage.
Some perishables are susceptible to heat build-up and when in fully enclosed packaging they can sweat and deteriorate (e.g. flowers).
These perishables must not be wrapped in cling film/plastic wrap when loaded.
Marking & labelling
Packages must be labelled with the applicable IATA 'Perishable' or the 'Time and Temperature Healthcare' label and any applicable handling labels such as 'Orientation' labels 'Dry Ice' labels or similar.
Fish & Seafood
Human ashes
We can accept human ashes as New Zealand domestic cargo if the packaging and documentation requirements are met.
It's a requirement that the container, such as an urn, is sealed (airtight) with the lid securely fitted. The container may be security screened.
These documents are required:
- Death certificate
- Cremation certificate with the deceased person's name, information about where and when they were cremated, and confirmation that the container only contains ashes
If you're flying with Air New Zealand, you can bring your loved one's ashes on board your flight.
Human remains (caskets)
We can only accept human remains, including miscarried, stillborn or very young infants, from funeral directors, New Zealand District Health Boards and New Zealand Police.
Please contact a funeral director directly if you plan to transport your deceased family member or friend by air. We work closely with funeral directors to plan and facilitate their journey.
How much does it cost to send a casket?
What are the packaging and documentation requirements?
Where does the casket go on the plane?
Can I collect the casket upon arrival?
Livestock refers to any breed or population of animal kept by humans for a useful, commercial purpose. The most common Live Stock transported by National Cargo is day old chicks.
Livestock shipments must be accepted, carried and delivered in a humane manner in accordance with the product specifications, IATA Live Animals Regulations and applicable governmental regulations. Unbooked livestock can be accepted if capacity is available on the sectors requested. The container in which live stock is presented must meet the IATA and Air New Zealand specifications
Note for domestic New Zealand pet shipments please go to our National Pets Services page
Valuable Cargo
Valuable cargo is booked as product FAST. Valuable cargo may be bank notes, jewellery or similar items that are of high value. Valuable cargo is stowed as normal cargo, however is usually loaded into the aircraft last at origin and unloaded first at the destination.
Valuable cargo means a consignment which contains one or more of the following articles:
- any article having a declared value for carriage of US$1,000 (or equivalent) or more, per gross kilogram;
- gold bullion (including refined and unrefined gold in ingot form), dore bullion, gold specie and gold only in the form of grain, sheet, foil, powder, sponge, wire, rod, tube, circles, mouldings and castings; platinum; platinum metals (palladium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium and rhodium) and platinum alloys in the form of grain, sponge, bar, ingot, sheet, rod, wire, gauze, tube and strip (but excluding those radioactive isotopes of the above metals and alloys which are subject to Dangerous Goods labelling requirements);
- legal banknotes, travellers' cheques, securities, shares, share coupons and stamps;
- diamonds (including diamonds for industrial use), rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls (including cultured pearls);
- jewellery consisting of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals and real pearls (including cultured pearls);
- jewellery and watches made of silver and/or gold and/or platinum; articles made of gold and/or platinum, other than gold and/or platinum plated.
A security escort will be provided at originating, transit/transfer and destination stations for all currency shipments. The escort duty will normally apply from secure storage to aircraft stowage at originating station; surveillance at transit stations; aircraft stowage to aircraft stowage at transfer stations; aircraft stowage to secure storage at destination station.
Consignments must be packed in strong and secure packaging with a substantial fastening.Fragile Cargo
Typical fragile commodities are antiques, works of art, chinaware, glassware, earthenware, cast-iron articles, TV and radio tubes, sculptures, etc.
Fragile cargo shall be accepted only if securely packed in containers made of solid material such as wooden cases, preferably new ones. If the container is breakable, e.g. glass, it should be surrounded by enough absorbent material to absorb any liquid in the container, should it be broken. Make sure that each package is marked with the 'Fragile' and 'This Side Up' labels. If any special handling and/or stowing is required, this must be indicated on the package as well as on the air waybill.
Outsized & Heavy Cargo
When accepting unusually heavy and/or bulky packages the following requirements must be considered:
- Ensure the item can be accommodated in the type of aircraft operating over the route(s) concerned.
- Check there are suitable loading and unloading facilities at uplift and discharge stations.
- If transhipment is involved ensure that verification is obtained confirming onward carriage.
- Where manual manoeuvring is required for loading into the aircraft ensure ground handling staff are aware at both uplift and discharge stations.
- If special lashing and restraint is required ensure arrangements are made beforehand to have appropriate restraints applied. This may include arranging for suitable dunnage and lashings.
Conditions of Carriage
The conditions of carriage cargo international also apply to national cargo shipments.
Our Domestic Fleet
Domestically, Air New Zealand operate a mix of aircraft:
The aircraft type in use to destinations will determine the amount of cargo space available depending on passenger loads/bags.
Airbus A320/321
Jet aircraft, Containerised
Aerospatiale ATR72
Turbo prop, 'Bulk' (hand) loaded
Pieces should be limited to maximum 32kg (heavier items by request)
De Havilland DHC-8-300
Turbo prop, 'Bulk' (hand) loaded
Pieces should be limited to maximum 32kg (heavier items by request)
Boeing 787-9*
Although this aircraft is not usually used domestically it may be scheduled from time-to-time. *Contact to the National Cargo team for further information.